Setting up an OpenCollective to raise funds globally and locally :-)

Thank you Kirsten for your smart thoughts :wink:

Maybe we can see OpenCollective as an equivalent of a Patreon? Patreon takes 5% commission, but you need an entity in the US, etc.
OC can work as a patreonage tool… so not all our expenses should go though it, but the money raised through OC sould be spend in a transparent way to enabe patrons to see how their money is spent.

OR to set up a patronage solution, we can also only have an HTML page and embed a Donorbox donation form (donorbox supports regular donations, the fees are only Stripe transactions fees, which are very low for non profits, 1,2% in France for example, + 0,89% if you receive more than 1000€ monthly) And share transparently on that page how the money is spent… but requires some dev work as you suggest Kirsten.
Maybe the work done by @nickwhite would be enough to start with it? Add a "donate/support" button on the marketplace site

Let’s discuss in our HO tomorrow :slight_smile: