With just a little bit of good timing, the village centres team have re-emerged - @rustil will be taking over from @janina to get things moving over the next few months.
I think the Village Centres Project (VCP) has similar scale ambitions to the potential French client, so, it might be worth considering the analysis and estimates done for the ‘desired’ infrastructure for a National instance carrying a large load - Big user Infrastructure Estimate
I don’t think is necessary to take all this into account right now, just for getting something set up for you to pilot. But it might be easier to choose hosting provider now that easily handles these more complex infrastructure set-ups for scaling up, rather than needing to move later. @maikel @MyriamBoure do you have any thoughts on that? (Myriam - I think it was a Simon likely handling this from HappyDev but I can’t find - could you ping whoever is likely handling this for France to get their opinion?)
Odi - Janina and Lennart are just getting their thoughts together, but I’ll look into organising an intro meeting / discussion shortly. Not sure if you are anywhere near each other geographically (they’re in Cologne / Aachen)