Localisation, OFN in your language

Of course you can be promoted if you want to :slight_smile:

I think the general workflow would be that if more volunteers want to join translating we can add them to Transifex as Translator. They can then add Suggestions (even if an earlier translation has been reviewed I think), and the Reviewer then approves suggestions. I hope there is functionality in Transifex for the Reviewers to get notified when there are new suggestions, @maikel do you know?

When there are updated strings for a project the Coordinator pushes these to a Transifex branch on github (or Transifex does it automatically?). We can then deploy the Transifex branch to our instance to get the updated translations. The Transifex branch always has the latest released code. (So we don’t have to wait for the next release to get translation fixes).

@maikel am I correct? :slight_smile: