Is it possible to selectively 'notify producers' in an OC?

@danielle @Kirsten @sstead - so there is discourse thread for the Canada backlog that Sally helped me start - OFN Canada Backlog - and I was going to update this. (Frankly things are evolving so fast I can hardly keep up - bet that is a common feeling right now). BUT - I’d also of course like to use the power of discourse to make posts that have a bit more description about some of these issues because I suspect others have solid contributions to make, and/or see the feature as useful for them. So - just clarify for me - should I stick with doing this on discourse - or should I get oriented to gitHub and do it there? Sally has taught me how to put an issue there - I forget, but can figure it out again I’m sure. I know I’m a non-techie - but am getting better at our various channels and processes, so if I should immerse myself in github I will. I’m just picking my priorities really. And of course I’ll do co-budget buckets and contributions to buckets too - was just waiting until funding is more clear here.