Introducing a US-based For-Profit Potential Partner

So glad - you folks are connecting up. Eventhough I’m not in the US, I ‘feel’ your positive vibes and support up here in the land of snow :wink: Somehow I don’t feel as lonely on the OFN front. If you have any questions for me (ie experience with launching a national instance, I’m happy to help.)

Just thinking that there are a couple of key inititial discussion points you might want on your agenda…

  • do you want one instance or multiple in the US? (I’ve gone around and around this and decided on one for Canada to start - not sure that won’t change though. Single instance has the advantages of cost/administration of one server vs multiple. But the other advantage is that right now you would have to make some modifications to trade between instances. So here in Can - we anticipate trading across provincial borders for example, so one instance makes sense). Do you anticipate cross-instance trading?

  • are you talking about a branded OFN instance(s) or white label? This is an impotant consideration as it determines the future partnership and nature of involvement with the OFN global community - - and also might be good to review the community pledge terms that all branded instance partners agree to.

  • how do you plan to give back to the global commons? - development time likely - but what about support for the core commons - see here.

  • other discussions on starting local instances might be relevant and also here.

Cheers @woakes070048 @jveilleux @tim.honchel @neylonbill
pinging you @MyriamBoure since you have been a strong mentor in launching other instances previously - maybe you have something to add here?