Hub & Producer List pages

Some user confusion about navigation and not enough info here. Possible amendments include:

Hub / shop list

  • need a ‘loading icon’ if they click the name (so starts loading shopfront). Currently it opens fat view but doesn’t show anything else happening, and then randomly whisks them away somewhere else
  • not clear that the row can be clicked on anywhere to show the fat view
  • tjuz info - possibly need to include logo and short ‘about us’ in fat view so is a bit more info before clicking into the shop
  • have small map? include map?
  • When I start typing in the search, page should move to put search at top of page so I can see what’s happening in the results

for display only order cycles . .

  • Change state on list views to read ‘window shopping’ or ‘display only’ instead of Open

For ‘Profile only’

  • activate the hover frame
  • profile pop-up when I click anywhere on the full button (as well as the link), as is the behaviour to ‘find out more’ is inconsistent with the rest of the page

Producer list

  • Producer Shop on ProdList should be greyed out if no order cycle open . . OR . . some other way to see this before clicking through to it