Hi @MyriamBoure,
Am I right in understanding that the primary reason for people wanting this functionality is for taxation purposes? It sounds quite complicated, so I am just trying to understand the benefit to the hub in operating in this way. To my knowledge there is no similar use case in Australia, in fact this situation would possibly attract more tax here, because food is not taxed whereas “services” are taxed at 10%.
I think that it should be possible to have an option on the enterprise as you suggest, which specifies that any invoices should be broken down by producer. However, I suspect that breaking down the tax charged on items at the producer level will be dependant on resolving some of that issues that came up in our Outstanding Taxation Requirements discussion. The main issue is that the way ‘forward calculated’ tax is stored at the moment prohibits us from working backwards to determine which line_items and fees the tax applied to. This is not a good situation, but it is the way Spree comes by default and we don’t really have the resources to resolve this at the moment…