Connecting food cooperatives

Hi there!
I ha an amazing discussion with Tibor, Reunion Island, who is developping the open source project "Communecter"

(sorry that’s in French, but the images speak ;-))
He collaborates with @elf-pavlik and Simon (the guy I mentionned in that discussion)

We shared a common vision of integrating the Open Food France data within the Communectez platform, that would be a first case on interoperability :slight_smile: The idea would be to display the informations about the farmers profiles on the Communecter map, where they can also gain reputation, but we also would like to display the hubs and if there is an order cycle openor when it will open.

So he asked me if there were an API so that he can display those infos, is there any kind of stuff like that available? The work you did @wvengen in that direction, is it usable? I saw tha on GitHub but it’s a bit Chinese for me :wink:
Is it what I should share with him so that he can display the data?

Ping @maikel @RohanM

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