Confirmation emails, registration flow

@danielle @sstead from my understanding, I don’t agree with you on an important detail that makes all the difference :
As an entreprise owner, today I can only add as a manager an email address that has been confirmed, so an “owner or manager type” email address, not a “user type”.
I tried what you said, I wanted to add Pierre as a manager for an entreprise, but he had only a shopper account. I couldn’t find his email when I type in the “manager” field… I had to ask him to create an entreprise so that his email is validated, and then I could add him as a manager.
SO the only workaround is as @sstead in that discussion Managing Users (including Enterprise Users) is to add him in the “notification field” which triggers the email verification process…

So it’s not about the manager to be assigned to be an OFN user or not, he needs his email to be verified… so he needs today to be an OFN manager OR OFN owner… I really see two different user types here.

BUT I agree with you that we can set up email confirmation without fixing the entreprise manager process. Once the users are verified, they will appear in the potential managers list, so it will be a bit more intuitive than it is now… and we can fix the UX on a second stage.